Wednesday Wisdom: Trust & Science Communication in Australia
Back from your Australian long weekend? Time for some Wisdom Wednesday hump day reading! To get us back into the grove, something a bit more substantive this week, a piece from Nature showing trust in Australian scientists is in the top 5 in the world (thanks to Australian Science Media Centre for bringing to my attention!).
This of course engenders the question, if we all trust scientists so much, why do we struggle to listen to them so often? ;) I think perhaps it comes down to that old chestnut (for me at least) of good science communication (#scicomm). Sure the public trusts us, but they also need to understand what we are telling them, otherwise it’s all for nought! Luckily Australia has some good science communicators too! ;)
But interested in your thoughts! Do you think Aussies trust science? And if not, why not? And have a good Wednesday all. :)