Wisdom Wednesday: On oligarchy, and how the past informs the future

Time for some Wisdom Wednesday hump day reading. This week is perhaps slightly political, but also factual I think, this great piece by my colleague at CQUniversity Australia, Dr Benjamin Jones, on what we mean when we say 'oligarchy', and whether (as claimed by Biden) the USA is at risk of becoming one!

I think the piece stands on its own as an explainer, but I wanted to call out Ben's great engagement here! As a history academic you'd think he'd be looking back, but this piece is a good reminder that history repeats itself, and that knowing the past can inform the future. Good work Ben! :)

Check out the piece below, and let us know your thoughts, both on oligarchies, and also on the academy and engagement. And happy hump day all! ;)


Michael Cowling

Professor Michael Cowling (Associate Professor - Information & Communication Technology, CQUniversity Australia) has been a leader in educational technology for over 20 years and was the 2020 recipient of the Universities Australia AAUT Award for Teaching Excellence (Physical Sciences). He is an Advance Queensland Community Digital Champion, and an Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) Community Fellow.

Tens of thousands of academics, teachers, and students have heard his mantra, 'pedagogy before technology', whilst learning directly and indirectly from him through his award-winning educator workshop series ‘Weaving Technology into the Fabric of the Classroom’, and his Australian government supported ‘Professor Tech’ K-12 student engagement program.


Wednesday Wisdom: Trust & Science Communication in Australia


Monday Motivation: Come to the AI in HE Roundtable!